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Notice of the Party Committee of Guizhou Zhongjian Weiye Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. on the progress of inspection and rectification
来源:本站   时间:2024-03-15 15:41:21    阅读:2272



根据州委巡察工作统一部署,2023412日至530,州委第The inspection team conducted a routine inspection of the Party Committee of Guizhou Zhongjian Weiye Construction (Group) Co., LTD.2023108日,州委第三The inspection team gave feedback to the Party committee of Guizhou Zhongjian Weiye Construction (Group) Co., LTD。In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations on Intra-Party Supervision of the Communist Party of China, and the Opinions on Strengthening Inspection Rectification and Application of Results on Strengthening Work Measures on Inspection Rectification and Application of Results, the progress of concentrated rectification of inspections is now announced。


(一)提高政治站位,凝聚整改共识。GALAXYTM银河国际党委始终坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神,把巡察整改作为衷心拥护“两个确立”、忠诚践行“两个维护”的实际行动,将巡察整改工作融入日常工作、融入深化改革、融入全面从严治党、融入班子队伍建设,扎实做好巡察“后半篇文章”。州委三巡察组反馈意见后,GALAXYTM银河国际党委立即将巡察反馈意见和党委书记代表GALAXYTM银河国际党The statements made by the Committee were circulated in the Party through documents and promptly convened党委会议部署巡察整改落实工作,进一步凝聚共识,把GALAXYTM银河国际上下思想和行动统一到巡察整改要求上来。

(二)严明政治责任,加强组织领导。GALAXYTM银河国际党委切实担负起巡察整改主体责任,成立了由党委书记任组长、其他党委班子成员为副组长,董事长助理、Three chief division, general manager assistant, the relevant departments and party branch heads for the members of the rectification work leading groupIt is clear that the main person in charge of the Party Committee is the first responsible person for rectification, and other team members perform rectification“一岗双责”职责。The office under the leading group is in the office of the Party Committee, and the full-time deputy secretary of the Party Committee is also the director of the office推动整改、协调沟通、督促落实、收集资料起草总结报告等工作。形成压力层层传导、责任层层落实的工作格局。

)强化督查问效,巩固整改成效。In response to the feedback problems, carefully study and formulate the rectification work plan, and clarify the leading leadership, responsible leadership, leading units, and cooperating units。召开了1 leading group meeting, 2 Party committee meetings and 2 rectification and promotion work meetings,Listen to the reports of the responsible units on the progress of the inspection and rectification work, timely dispatch the rectification and implementation of the existing problems, and study the rectification and promotion measures。同时,注重举一反三、建章立制,着力将巡察整改从"Treating the symptoms" to "treating the root cause" in-depth progress, and earnestly solve problems and establish rules and systems in an integrated way。已研究出台、修订完善4个制度文件,不断深化巡察整改成果


(一)针对"The implementation of the Party's theories, lines, policies and major decisions of the Party Central Committee are not in place, and the promotion of Party building to lead the high-quality development of enterprises is insufficient.

1.Rectification of the problem of "implementing the 'first issue' and grasping the gap in learning"

一是严格落实“第一议题”制度,将习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想、习近平总书记重要讲话和重要指示批示精神列为党委会、党委理论学习中心组学习会议“第一议题”,不断提高党员领导干部政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力。It is implemented through Party committee meetings, Party Committee theoretical study center group study seminars, Party cadres training courses, party members training courses, etc“第一议题”制度24次。二是督促下辖各党支部落实The "first issue" system guides party members and cadres to support the "two establishment" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenance" with practical actions。通过"Looking back", research and other ways to check the implementation of the "first issue" system of each party branch under the jurisdiction。Up to now, each party branch under its jurisdiction has strictly implemented the "first issue" system。

2.Rectification of the problem of "arming the mind with the Party's innovative theory, promoting work, and paying close attention to implementation is not enough"

一是深入开展学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,认真抓好理论学习、调查研究、推动发展、检视整改,努力掌握好贯穿其中的世界观和方法论,并强化实践运用。In accordance with the arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the provincial Party Committee, and the State Party Committee on the theme of education, carefully formulate study plans, organize party members and leading cadres to participate in reading classes, carry out thematic discussions, research, positive and negative typical case analysis, review and rectification, and other work to ensure that the theme of education is solid and effective。二是深入学习国发〔In the spirit of document No. 2 and Document No. 7 of Guizhou [2022], make good use of policy opportunities and combine business owners' responsibility for their main business,召开专题会,宣贯了"Qianfufa [2022] 7" and the spirit of the project planning document, according to the policy orientation and the main business responsibility of the business owners, a number of projects can be planned.Focus on the construction of new urbanization, and make continuous contributions to the economic and social development of the whole state。三是Mobilization and deployment of the division's subsidiary companies, and actively contact Li Congrong and other counties (cities),Actively promote Liping, Congjiang county construction sub-enterprises and county-level state-owned enterprises cooperation,发挥自身优势主动融入“强州府”、乡村振兴、融入大湾区发展建设。

3.Rectification of the problem of "implementing the new development concept and promoting the lack of high-quality development of enterprises"

一是Give full play to the brand advantages and talents advantages of the Group company, constantly improve the market share of the group's leading projects, strengthen the construction of housing construction engineering, real estate development as support, municipal engineering, architectural design, water conservancy and hydropower, steel structure, ethnic ancient buildings, property management, building materials testing and other wingsThe new development pattern of "one industry and multiple development" further improves the industrial chain, achieves the goal of scale expansion and efficiency improvement, and comprehensively improves the core competitiveness。二是Strengthen the planning and bidding work of directly operated projects, adopt the direct operation mode for the construction funds in place and the key high-quality projects in provinces and cities, so as to strengthen the control over key high-quality projects and enhance the profitability of the Group company。

4.关于"The preliminary demonstration of enterprise planning is insufficient and not rigorous, and the determination of some target values has a large gap with the actual" problem rectification

一是Organize the stage evaluation and analysis of the relevant planning plans being prepared and implemented within the enterprise, and adjust and modify the contents of insufficient and unrigorous early demonstration.完善了企业The mid-term evaluation report of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the corresponding modification of the enterprise's "14th Five-Year Plan" development planStrengthen safeguard measures and regular scheduling to ensure the realization of predetermined goals。二是Give full play to the advantages of qualifications, strengthen the collection of bidding information for municipal engineering, highway engineering and water conservancy and hydropower projectsParticipated in the bidding of projects other than construction, diversified and improved the company's performance


一是According to the evaluation results of the provincial SASAC, enterprises are benchmarking provincial and state reform standards, carefully analyzing their own weaknesses in the process of enterprise reform, formulating implementation plans to further deepen enterprise reform combined with the actual situation of enterprises, and clarifying a new round of reform goals and tasks19项,推动企业改革工作有序推进。二是We will sort out the unfinished tasks of reform in the past three years, gradually advance them, narrow the gap, and further improve the relevant systems and methods。三是结合国务院国资委及省国资委相关文件要求,按"Three reasons and three measures" principle, carefully analyze the feasibility of the group company and its subsidiaries can carry out mixed ownership reform。四是Deepen the reform of contractual and managerial term system, set annual assessment indicators and three-year term assessment indicators for subordinate enterprises, strengthen the application of assessment results, and give full play to assessment“指挥棒”作用。五是对标上级要求,持续深化The reform of the "three systems" has been implemented in detail, such as open recruitment, competitive recruitment, and performance appraisal。六是加强董事会建设。According to the relevant work arrangements of external directors made by the State SASAC, the external director personnel ledger of the subsidiary enterprises of the Group company has been established, and the subsidiary enterprises have realized the participation of external directors in business decision-making。


一是Actively undertake projects with counties (cities) in the state, promote the free transfer of equity of subsidiaries established in each county to state-owned companies in each county, and jointly promote local economic development。二是Define the business objectives of the molecular company, adjust the business objectives and tasks of the molecular company in a timely manner according to the strategic development plan of the group company,定期调度通报和进行考核,确保分子公司发展方向正确。三是加强与分子公司的沟通协作,对分子公司经营情况进行了摸底,Guide and help molecular companies to carry out business, and timely put forward reasonable suggestions and solutions to problems and difficulties encountered by molecular companies。


一是对GALAXYTM银河国际旗下劳务公司的情况进行排查,Establishment of Guizhou Zhongjian Weiye Group company at all levels of labor service company high-temperature operation personnel investigation account。经排查,目前GALAXYTM银河国际12家下属各级劳务公司不存在高温特种作业人员二是In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Measures for the Management of Heat Prevention and Cooling Measures" and the "Regulations on the Issuance of High Temperature Weather Allowances by Employers in Guizhou Province", the company with high temperature special operations personnel is urged to formulate management measures for heat prevention and cooling。

8.Rectification of the problem of "the welfare benefits of the staff union are not paid in full as required"

一是The trade union of the Group shall, in accordance with the actual situation of trade union funds, issue trade union benefits and organize relevant trade union activities in accordance with the relevant standards of the Implementation Rules for the Management of the Expenditure and Expenditure of Trade Union Funds of Guizhou Province.足额发放工会会员节日慰问等活动支出二是Under the guidance of the group trade union and with the cooperation of the financial department of the Group company, the subsidiary companies shall organize the full amount of the funds of the trade union in accordance with the principle of territorial management, and handle the collection and return of the funds of the trade union within the prescribed time。切实保障工会经费的主要来源。三是In a phased manner, subsidiaries eligible for the establishment of independent legal person trade unions will be promoted to establish independent legal person trade unions, independently perform the functions and responsibilities of trade unions in accordance with the law, and provide organizational guarantees for regulating the expenditure of union members' condolences activities。


一是Revise and improve the quality and safety management system of the group company, increase the detailed content of quality and safety management responsibility investigation, and strictly implement the quality and safety management procedures of engineering projects。二是Strengthen the control of the construction process, and incorporate the internal acceptance mechanism of the construction site quality and safety standardization into the construction quality and safety standardization。三是Establish the account of production safety accidents and accidental personal injury incidents, analyze the causes of accidents and formulate countermeasures, issue an annual safety situation analysis report every six months to report to the group company for study and judgment。

(二)针对"The main responsibility for the implementation of comprehensive and strict party governance is not in place, the sense of responsibility for party governance is not strong, the transmission pressure at various levels is not enough, the supervision and enforcement of discipline and accountability are ineffective, the problem of 'relying on enterprises to eat enterprises' is prominent, and the problem of' four winds' still exists.


一是According to the requirements of the internal audit work management system, carefully formulate the audit work plan every year2家以上分子公司开展内部审计工作。二是According to the actual needs of the post, professional internal audit personnel are assigned to enrich the strength of the internal audit team and ensure the normal development of internal audit work。三是It adopts various forms, such as going out and inviting in, individual self-study and collective organization learning, and training and rotation training.Carry out joint special audit work with third-party audit institutions, and furtherEnhance the professional skills of internal audit personnel and comprehensively improve the business ability of internal audit personnel。


一是For over-standard reception, out-of-range reimbursement of travel expenses for visitors, order relevant personnel to refund;For the reception of non-official visiting units dining and accommodation contact the relevant units to complete the official letter documents。二是在巡察反馈问题后,On November 23, 2023, the company organized a meeting on the promotion and implementation of the management methods for business and official reception of the Group, organized various departments of the group headquarters to learn the management methods, and prevented the recurrence of the problems of over-standard reception and reception without official letters,同时对分子公司加强制度的宣贯与学习。三是Strictly check in accordance with the Group company's public (business) reception management measures, strengthen the review of the reception reimbursement process, and prohibit reimbursement in violation of regulations。


一是Convey and study the relevant requirements of office accommodation, unify the thinking, formulate specific cleaning and rectification measures based on the actual office accommodation of the group company, and rectify the problems of excessive office space。Up to now, all the rectification has been completed, and the situation of excessive office occupancy no longer occurs。二是Organize the investigation of office occupancy standards for branch managers, chairmen and managers of subsidiaries according to relevant document requirements。After investigation, the office occupancy of the branch manager, the chairman and the manager of the subsidiary company of the Group company did not exceed the prescribed standards。


一是积极谋划新项目,组织召开专题会深入学习国发〔Spirit of document No. 2 (2022) and No. 7 (2022)And the spirit of the document in project planning, according to the policy orientation and the main business of the owner, plan some projects that can be implemented.用好用活政策机遇,同时优化了“531项目清单”二是The Party secretary personally led a team to Liping and Congjiang counties for research, communicated with the county government, and actively promoted the cooperation between the construction sub-enterprises of Liping and Congjiang counties and county-level state-owned enterprises.发挥自身优势主动融入“强州府”、乡村振兴、融入大湾区发展建设。

(三)针对"Overall planning and promotion of enterprise party building is not enough, the political function of grass-roots party organizations is not good enough, there is a deviation in adhering to the Party's management of cadres and talents, the concept of 'talent strong enterprise' is not strong enough, and there are still shortcomings in the construction of talent teams.


一是During the theme education, the Party Committee of the Group company carefully organized and studied the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and the Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organizations of State-owned Enterprises of the Communist Party of China.,对下属各分子公司The distribution of existing party members was comprehensively and carefully investigated, and the investigation ledger was formed.摸清党员分布情况。二是We will implement the requirement to build as many party organizations as possible, and promptly establish Party organizations in units that meet the number of Party members stipulated in the Constitution of the Communist Party of China to ensure comprehensive coverage。经排查,凡党员人数达到3人及以上的分子公司均已成立党支部。

15.Rectification of the problem of "insufficient deep integration of Party building and production and operation"

一是在子公司考核管理办法中明确The annual evaluation index system is composed of operating performance evaluation index, comprehensive evaluation index and party building work index。党建考核结果应用到年度考核中。二是定期召开专题会议研究子公司考核工作,下达考核指标给各子公司,开展年度考核工作,并将考核结果与子企业主要负责人薪酬挂钩。


一是Before the democratic life meeting, conscientiously organize the study of the "Several Guidelines on the Political Life within the Party under the New Situation" and the spirit of the relevant documents of the superiors, and deeply understand and grasp the requirements of the democratic life。To improve the quality of democratic life, to open a good democratic life as a serious political task, standing on the height of politics, seriously, with a real attitude, not to go through the motions。二是改进批评方法,发挥党员领导干部The role of "leading goose", seriously carry out criticism and self-criticism, resolutely prevent hopes from replacing problems, work suggestions instead of critical opinions, and pre-meeting critical talk instead of meeting criticism。

17.Rectification of the problem of "talent attraction is not strong, talent team is unstable"

一是According to the actual development of the company, the company does not need to introduce high-level talents above the doctor二是Implement the management measures for the career development of employees, do a good job in publicizing the management measures,Guide employees of all departments to strengthen system learning, enhance professional ability, and implement in accordance with the relevant provisions of the management measures.Build career development channels for employees, clarify the career development direction, improve the professional ability of employees, expand the development platform and opportunities for employees, and reduce the turnover rate of employees。

18.On the rectification of the problem of "insufficient total number of high-level talents and low proportion"

一是制定职工职业发展管理办法,构建管理和技术人才职业发展“双通道同步设置P1-P8薪酬等级,使员工有更大的职业选择空间和上升动力,不断提高人才“黏性”。二是为引进的高层次人才提供保障住房,解决人才后顾之忧。Give one-time rewards to senior engineers, first-class construction engineers and other talents and various titles, certificate subsidies, regular visits and other forms of care and care for talents三是Actively promote the forensics incentive policy and senior title evaluation policy guidance, mobilize the registration examination, strengthen the introduction of high-level talents and internal talent training, and establish a high-quality talent team。


一是The follow-up employee recruitment interview work of the Group company shall be led by the Human resources Department and carried out according to the implementation plan of the company's competitive recruitment interview. In case of problems that are not clearly explained in the plan, the Human Resources Department shall put forward suggestions and submit them to the Party committee of the Group company for study。二是Strengthen the learning of the relevant system of the competition work, and improve the professional ability of the responsible personnel participating in the competition work。三是When formulating plans related to employee competition, pay attention to the details, consider the problems and possible situations that have occurred in the competition work in various aspects, so as to avoid the recurrence of old problems and avoid new problems as far as possible。


一是In the subsequent work plan for competitive employment, the co-processing method of written test results and comprehensive results shall be added, and the work plan for competitive employment shall be submitted to the Party Committee of the Group company for study and approval before implementation。二是Before the recruitment work, organize the members of the recruitment work leading group to learn the recruitment plan. In case of problems that are not clearly explained in the plan, the Human resources Department will put forward suggestions and report them to the Party committee of the group company for study。

21.On the rectification of the problem of "insufficient rectification of the problems pointed out in the inspection and audit findings"

一是Compacting the main responsibility of rectification, and holding special meetings to analyze and study the feedback of inspection and audit rectification。2023年10月12日、10月24日,召开党委会议,研究巡察反馈意见整改措施,The inspection and rectification work promotion meeting will be held on November 14 and December 1, 2023,2023年12月12日,召开巡察整改领导小组会议,对巡察整改事项进行研究部署。二是It is clear that the special department is responsible for the follow-up and implementation of the inspection feedback and audit supervision feedback problems to ensure that the problems are thoroughly rectified。



(一)持续用力,巩固扩大整改成果。GALAXYTM银河国际党委将坚持目标不变、标准不降、力度不减Regularly hold inspection and rectification work meetings to promote the solution of difficult problems in inspection and rectification, and achieve不放过任何一个问题、不忽视任何个环节、不留下任何一个尾巴确保巡察反馈的问题件件有落实事事有回音。

(二)强化担当,严格落实主任责任。GALAXYTM银河国际党委将严格落实整改主体责任切实履行党委书记第一责任人责任、班子成员“一岗双责”职责, 不断强化责任担当层层传导压力形成齐抓共管工作格局推动形成真管真严、敢管敢严、长管长严的工作氛围。




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Committee of Guizhou Zhongjian Weiye Construction (Group) Co., LTD
